The Messianic Writings, Second Edition
Translated and Annotated by Daniel Gruber
These Jewish writings present themselves as completely dependent upon and flowing from the Law, the Writings, and the Prophets. Traditional translations of these Messianic Writings perpetuate systematic errors of immense magnitude — errors which significantly distort the message and are inextricably linked to horrific historical consequences.
This new translation is faithful to the Jewish-Greek text and its context. Notes from rabbinic sources and explanatory notes help to clarify the world of the text.
“It will open your eyes, challenge your mind,
and possibly change your heart!”
REDUCED PRICE for first edition:  $20
First Edition Electronic Versions:
NEW      Law without Authority or Limits: Kelsen's Dilemma
by Daniel Gruber
Hans Kelsen was considered by many in the 20th century to be “the formative jurist of our time,” influencing many who now teach and legislate. That is cause for concern, because his “Pure Theory of Law” is constructed from interlocking false pretenses, and based on a foundation which he said “not only contradicts reality, ...but is also self-contradictory.” He advocated a global State as the only acceptable source of values, laws, and obligations — a god to be obeyed. He justified Law without authority or limits, a State which is free to forbid or command anything it chooses, and where “the individual is a mere appearance... an element of the objective legal system.” He spoke of the necessity of “bloody violence” against those who believe there are values, rights, and principles which the State must honor.
His philosophy received “unqualified admiration” in much of the world. Inasmuch as this book examines his “Pure Theory” and the associated legal and political philosophies, it is, unfortunately, also an examination of a rapidly approaching future.
Law without Authority: Kelsen's Dilemma $44
The End from the Beginning: A Midrash on the First Three Verses
by Daniel Gruber
“Every man’s work, whether it be literature or music or pictures or architecture or anything else, is always a portrait of himself.” Samuel Butler, though he was not fond of religion or religious people, has provided a wonderful introduction for a study of the Bible. The Bible presents itself as being communication from God to humanity. On the surface, it is about humanity and our various conceits, successes, and failures; but at its core, it is a portrait of its Author. Likewise, the world that God created, and especially the creature He made in His own likeness and image, is “a portrait of Himself”. The world in general, and humanity in particular, are theomorphic. They have been formed to describe and reveal who God is. This study focuses on three verses, the first three verses of the Bible, with three things in mind: 1) God knows and declares the end from the beginning. 2) Everything God says and does is connected to who He is and who we are supposed to be. 3) Understanding the beginning will help prepare us for the end. The beginning is a good place to start. Though the time between us and the beginning is continually increasing; the time between us and the end is continually decreasing. We do not know how long that remaining time is, but one day we will find out. So, on to the beginning. $22Click here to order through AMAZON.
That Man! His Story
by Daniel Gruber
Translated, Arranged, and Annotated by Daniel GruberIn the name of “That Man!” others who claimed to be his followers carried out endless persecutions, proclaiming the absolute rejection and eternal damnation of the Jewish people, his people. They lied, but their vile actions and teachings had an impact which continues to this day. For centuries, it was forbidden to even utter the name of “That Man!” in the Jewish community. His name remained unspoken or distorted. He was only referred to in oblique ways.
But the story of “That Man!” is a first-century Jewish story of God’s faithfulness to Israel. It is presented as completely dependent upon and flowing from Tanakh — the Law (Torah), the Prophets (Nevi’im), and the Writings (Ketuvim) — the authorized, accepted revelation from the God of Israel. All subsequent revelations are to be judged by it. In Tanakh, God laid out His purposes for humanity, for Israel, and for “Messiah”.
This story presents Yeshua, “That Man!” as the prophesied Messiah of Israel. It combines the four different accounts into one. The text is accompanied by notes from Talmud, Midrash, and other sources. For those who want to know the true story, in its own context, free from historical distortions, this provides the opportunity to make an informed decision to reject or accept his claims. $10
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To order 10 copies for $70, click the "Add to Cart" button.
Electronic Version available:
Amazon KindleThe Separation of Church & Faith - Copernicus and the Jews
by Daniel Gruber
In the time of Nicholas Copernicus, the heavens and all that was in them revolved around the earth. This was not a belief that needed to be argued, it was simply an observable fact. People could see it with their own eyes. Scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers affirmed it. Religious doctrine did too. There was, however, one small problem. The planets, though insignificant in size, moved in continual defiance of the enshrined system. By challenging the system and finding the true center, Copernicus began a revolution that transformed life on earth. This book is about a similar conceptual error in the enshrined systems of today. It proposes a different center, one which challenges the prevailing systems, but fits and predicts the data.
Click here to order through AMAZON.
"Copernicus will surely stimulate a good deal of good discussion. Much of the research is ground-breaking and even when the reader wants to dissent, the discussion is always well worth pondering."
Walter C. Kaiser, Jr., Colman M. Mockler
Distinguished Professor of Old Testament
Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Hamilton, MA
"I can't remember when I've enjoyed a book more, or disagreed with one more."
J. Alan Groves
Executive Director of Westminster Hebrew Institute
Professor of Old Testament
Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia, PA
"This is a serious book for the serious reader. It is for all those who love the truth and are willing to have their views challenged. For such readers, this carefully written and well-researched volume offers much food for thought, and while you may not agree with every point, you will certainly come away enriched. In a day when many lightweight and even sensationalistic books are being written in the name of 'New Testament restoration' or 'Jewish roots,' this heavyweight study stands out as worthy of attention and discussion."
Dr. Michael L. Brown
FIRE School of Ministry
Rabbi Akiba's Messiah - The Origins of Rabbinic Authority
by Daniel Gruber
It is not easy to overestimate the significance of the Bar Kokhba Revolt. Because of its long-term consequences, it may well be considered the greatest tragedy in Jewish history. The disaster was further compounded by the fact that Rabbi Akiba, the father of rabbinic Judaism, proclaimed Bar Kokhba, the leader of the rebellion, to be God's Anointed, the Messiah. For almost nineteen hundred years, people have asked, as Franz Rosenzweig expressed it, "Why did even the wisest teacher of his age fall for the false messiah, Bar Kochba, in the time of Hadrian?" This book answers that question. Akiba's proclamation appears to be a well-reasoned decision that was completely consistent with the whole thrust of his life – the establishment of rabbinic authority over all Israel.
Electronic Version available:
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