The God of Israel created and called every descendant of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob to know and serve Him. Each one is part of a specially created people. There are ways, however, in which a Jewish person can separate himself or herself from the rest of the people of Israel.
Some of these offenses are related to the ways in which God set Israel apart from all other peoples. A male who is not circumcised will be cut off from his people. (Gen. 17:14) Anyone who eats yeast during the days of unleavened bread or chooses not to observe Passover must be cut off from Israel. (Ex. 12:15, 19; Num. 9:13) Anyone who does any work on the Sabbath must be cut off from his people. (Exod. 31:14) Anyone who does not afflict his soul on the Day of Atonement shall be cut off from his people. (Lev. 23:28-29) Anyone who eats blood or the fat of any animal which can be offered to the Lord shall be cut off from his people. (Lev. 7:25-27)
Some of these offenses were the cause of God's destruction of the tribes of Canaan. These included sexual immorality, child sacrifice, and occult practices. (Lev. 18 & 20)
Some of these offenses are related to the Temple and the sacrifices and offerings presented there. Anyone who makes the anointing oil or incense used in the Temple and uses it for any other purpose shall be cut off from his people. (Ex. 30:33, 37) Anyone who is unclean and enters the Temple or eats of the sacrifices must be cut off from Israel. (Num. 19:13,20; Lev. 7:20-21) The same punishment comes upon anyone who presents a sacrifice in an improper way. (Lev. 17:3-9; 19:5-8)
Because God looks on our hearts, there is a general warning against all arrogant rejection of the Lord and His Law. "But anyone who sins defiantly, whether native-born or alien, blasphemes the LORD, and that person must be cut off from his people." (Num. 15:30)


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(go back)
 In the Beginning
The Goyim Were First
Hopeless Gentiles
The Origins of Israel's Separation
The Gentiles who joined themselves to Israel
A People Set Apart
Jews and Hebrews
You Shall Be Cut Off
The Faithful Remnant of Israel
